Sunday, July 12, 2015

Color Run 3.0

The Color Run has become a tradition in my family for three years running now. For those of you who don't know The Color Run is a 5K run/walk where participants pass through color stations and get covered in a corn starch based colored paint. Its a huge mess and a lot of fun.
The first year we did it I did it with Mini Me, my cousin and her daughter and friend. It was the first 5K Mini Me had ever done and we had a blast.
Color Run 2013
Last year, we added my son, My Bug, to the mix. It was a little tougher on him since he was only four. We also joined up with my best friend and again, had an absolutely wonderful time.
Color Run 2014
This year was no exception. The Geek's daughter happened to be here this time for it so she was involved in the festivities. She was excited to experience what we had been talking about the last two years.
This year was The Color Run Shine, which meant they added a sparkle station. So we went through blue first.
I managed to get the blue sprayed right in my mouth, not the tastiest thing ever.
After blue was the shine station.
This meant that we got sprayed with shimmery glitter. Since the paint is all powder there are huge clouds and while the stuff does not taste great if you get it in your mouth, the glitter was just kind of nasty to go through. And we were certainly shiny afterwards, unfortunately the pictures don't really show the shine.
Next up was orange. Little Miss Geek decided to get the party started by rolling in the orange.
It was fun to see her really getting into it. She is not the most active child so I was a little concerned how her walking three miles was going to but fortunately, she had a great time.
Yellow was next and since yellow is a hard color to see and have show up against the other colors I decided to join in the fun and I dropped and rolled in the yellow.
This blew Mini Me's mind. I'm not usually I let it fly kind of mom but hey we were having fun.
My participating in the rolling inspired everyone and as it turned out we all rolled in the pink.
The colors were over so it was time to make our way to the finish line.
It was kind of nice in that this year they handed out participation medals so the kids all got a medal for participating.
Of course we wrapped it all up with the celebratory color toss, and shine was added to the mix as well.
Color Burst
At the end of it all we had a successful Color Run.
Fun Times
And we are all looking forward to next year.

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