Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Great Adventure

Mini Me was not a great reader; which, I must confess, left me wondering how I could have produced such a child. I have tried to encourage reading with her but it was never something she really took to. Then one day at the beginning of fourth grade I suggested we start reading Harry Potter. At first Mini Me wasn't too sure about this prospective journey. She had tried to read the books once on her own before but I think got thrown off by words like "Wingardium leviosa" and "Quidditch." However, this time when I suggested that I read them to her she was more interested and so we embarked on our journey.Harry Potter
As we got into the books I watched her excitement and enthusiasm build and build and often times heard, "Please just one more chapter mom!" Many a night we stayed up past bedtime reading "just one more chapter." By the time we had finished the first book she was hooked. I further solidified the deal by suggesting that we watch the movies after finishing the books, which we did. Imagine my pride when she got upset when the movies strayed from the books.
As we proceeded through the series I saw her interest in reading increase and she was reading more on her own. Not as much as I do but it was a marked improvement that made me very happy.
Today we finished our adventure by watching the movies for The Deathly Hallows. I cannot begin to express how magical it was to experience this wonderful tale with her for the first time. I am sad to see it come to a close because while we plan to embark on another reading adventure with another series, nothing comes close to the magic and wonder that is the Harry Potter series.

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